Honours Thesis Application Process Department of Psychology, Brock University April 14, 2022
This process will apply to students entering PSYC 3F40 and PSYC 3P39 in 2022. January: Kirsti van Dorsser visits PSYC 3F40 in January to discuss the process of finding a thesis supervisor with students.
January-April: Prospective Honours thesis students contact potential supervisors to arrange meetings. When students email potential supervisors asking to meet, they should attach an unofficial transcript (PDF of current course marks) and a current resume.
May 1st: Students submit their application which includes their ranking of their top 4 potential supervisors and indicates their research interests (using a standard checklist).
May 15th: Faculty members submit their ranking of up to 4 prospective thesis students that they wish to supervise and how many students they are interested in supervising.
June 1st: Kirsti begins the matching process. Matches will be based on student rankings and faculty rankings following this approach (student: faculty) 1:1, then 1:2, 1:3, 1:4. If several faculty members list the same student as their first choice, then student preference will be the tie breaker. If there are unmatched students, then Kirsti will circulate a list to faculty to give them the opportunity to express interest in supervising an unmatched student. After this process, Kirsti will communicate with unmatched students informing them that they have not been matched and allowing them to proceed with approaching other faculty members.
June 15th: All unmatched students must have found a supervisor by this date, otherwise unmatched students will be switched to the Honours Comprehensive degree stream.
5 business days before registration (typically late June): Students will be informed of who their thesis supervisor will be and then can proceed with Registration in July.
Thesis Application Instructions
Thesis applications are due May 1. Step 1 Fill out the form: forms.office.com/r/0tNrp8GTKG *note* Question 8 requires you to upload the Research Interest Checklist, you can download the checklist below.
Step 2 Email the Department Administrator to let her know that you have submitted your application ([email protected]). This allows the her to confirm that your form has been submitted successfully. Microsoft Forms is fairly reliable, but there have been instances of data going missing so it is very important to let Kirsti know you have submitted.