What is PSYC 1F90? Should I take it? PSYC 1F90 is the first year psychology course. It is a survey course, which means you will have the opportunity to learn a little from lots of different areas of psychology. PSYC 1F90 can be used as a Social Science Context Credit (see here for more information about Context Credits). PSYC 1F90 is required for all Psychology majors and for some programs other than psychology. Please check your program requirements or consult your academic advisor if you have questions about whether you are required to take this course. PSYC 1F90 is a pre-requisite for all upper year psychology courses except PSYC 2F23 (Statistics).
PSYC 1F90 is full but I need to take it for my program! What do I do?! Send an email stating your major and your student number to Tammy at [email protected] and she will process an override to allow you to register.
PSYC 1F90 is full: I don’t need it but I’d really like to take it. Now what? Keep checking the system. If a space opens up, it will show up on the system and you can register. The more often you check, the better your chances of getting a space. We keep some spaces on hold for people who need the course for their programs. If those aren’t filled by the last week in August we will open them up for everyone, so that is a particularly good time to keep an eye on the registration system.
What are the required materials for PSYC 1F90? In August, we will send an email to students with the information about the required course materials and they will also be listed on the Brock Bookstore website.
Who do I contact if I have questions about the course? Tammy Stewart is the course manager for PSYC 1F90, and she can answer most of your questions about the course. Tammy can be reached at[email protected] or 905-688-5550 x5048. Once the course begins we will let you know how you can contact our senior tutors and the course professors if you have questions about course content.
Where can I find more information about PSYC 1F90 (details about assignments, readings, deadlines, etc)? On the course Sakai site you will find the course syllabus, assignment descriptions, and lecture and seminar schedules. Before each lecture, we will post guided notes that are designed to assist with your note-taking. We also use Sakai to post updates about things that are happening in the course, so be sure that you are logging into Sakai and checking the information there regularly. The PSYC 1F90 site should be available to you by the end of August.