Context Credits Students in the Faculty of Social Sciences (all Psychology students are in this Faculty) must take at least one full credit (or 2 half/partial credits; see here for an explanation of full vs partial credits) from both the Humanities and Science faculties. Brock students also need a Social Science context credit, but PSYC 1F90 fulfills this requirement for you. Context credits are included in Brock University programs to ensure that students get some breadth while completing their degrees. The Humanities and Science context courses must be selected from an approved list (not just any courses from the Humanities and Science faculties will count as a context credit). Additional details about context credit courses can be found
Electives Elective courses are any courses offered in departments outside Psychology (but they must not be cross-listed with Psychology). We encourage students to take any electives that look interesting. Don’t worry about whether or not they are related to psychology or relevant to your long-term goals -- if a course is interesting to you, then it's relevant!