Declare Psychology as my major? Fill out a Declare/Change Major form (available at the Registrar’s office or online at their website) and submit it to the Registrar’s office. Students must have completed PSYC 1F90 and have at least a 60% Psychology average.
Declare a minor? Check with the department you want to minor in to see what the requirements are. Fill out a Declare/Change Major form (available at the Registrar’s office or online at their website) with your major (e.g. PSYC) and your minor. Submit this form to the Registrar’s office. They will send it to both departments for approval.
Find out if my request to change majors/declare a minor has been approved? Keep checking Student Self Serve.
Find out which courses are offered this year, who is teaching a course and when it is scheduled? We never offer all of the courses listed in the undergraduate course calendar. Refer to the course timetable (posted on the registrar’s office website) for a complete list of course offerings for the current year. The schedule for lectures and seminars and course instructor are also listed here:
Request an override into a course? Overrides are intended for students who do not meet the requirements to complete a course (are missing a pre-requisite or restriction), but who feel that they have alternative appropriate background to be successful in the course. Overrides are not granted for full courses. If you would like an override into a course because you do not meet the requirements to register, email the professor from your Brock account (you will find out who is teaching the course on the course timetable). Other people in the department cannot approve override requests into specific courses. Drop a course after the registration system has closed? Here are instructions for dropping a course after the registration system has closed (but before the last day to withdraw): Pay close attention to the last date to withdraw from courses without academic penalty. After that date you cannot drop the course and your grade in the course will reflect any work that you complete in the course.
Add a course after the registration system has closed? Fill out an Add form (available at the registrar’s office) and take it to your professor for their signature. Submit the signed form to the registrar’s office. Note that there may be a late registration charge.
Apply to do a course at another university? Students may wish to complete a course at another university for a variety of reasons; this process is called completing a course by Letter of Permission (LOP). Step 1: Get an LOP application form from the registrar’s office Step 2: Choose your courses at another university and print the course descriptions from the website. Step 3: Take the course descriptions and your application form to the advisor in whichever department the course belongs to (if you are taking a psychology course bring the paperwork to the psychology department, if it is a geography course take the paperwork to the geography department). Step 4: If the department approves your course, take the signed paperwork to the registrar’s office for their approval. Step 5: If you are approved to complete the LOP (by the registrar’s office) register for the course and make sure that you arrange to have your transcripts sent directly to Brock.
Deal with conflicts in my schedule? If you have a conflict between seminars or a seminar and a lecture you will have to try to switch seminars using the online registration system (see the link to ‘Change Secondary’). If you cannot switch seminars using the registration system right away, keep checking to see if a spot opens up for you. If a suitable spot does not open up for you, talk to your Professor when classes begin to see if there is a process in place to manually change seminars.
If you have two lectures conflicting, you will either have to switch into a different lecture section (if there is more than one) or drop one of the courses. You cannot register in conflicting classes.
Register for a Directed Readings Course? The Psychology department offers third and fourth year directed readings courses. These are independent study courses supervised by individual faculty members. The first step to registering is to find a supervisor. Most students contact faculty members by email to ask if they will consider supervising a directed readings course. Once you have a supervisor, you need to email Kirsti van Dorsser ([email protected]) with the following information: Your name, student number, the course code for the course you have chosen and the duration you would like to complete it in. Once Kirsti has that information an override will be processed that will allow you to register in the course.
Exactly what you will do to complete the directed readings course will be up to your supervisor. It is a good idea to clarify their expectations before you begin. You might want to ask questions about how often you will be expected to meet with them, approximately how many hours a week you should expect to work on the course, how you will be evaluated, and anything else that comes to mind.